
Uganda Red Cross Society phase out meeting at the District headquarters.

Uganda Red cross society held an echo pilot programmatic partnership project phase out meeting at the District headquarters.


Kayunga District being among the disaster prone areas in the country, Red cross has been offering support in disaster hot spot areas.


The phase out meeting was intended to diseminate the project report, discuss project transition plan and engage with District heads on the project phase out and implications.


Project achievements include:


1. Oriented 16 volunteers.

2. Risk communication and early warning.

3. Drafting the multi hazard district contingency plan.

4. Capacity building of DDMC in cash and voucher assistance

5. Disemination of the disaster risk management plan.

6. Conducted radio talk shows diseminating early warnings.

7. Orientation of community based disaster risk reduction groups.

8. Installation of community radios in disaster prone areas


Sustainability and transition ideas include:


1. Institutional Strengthening and capacity building of DDMC.

2. Maintenance of mobile offices 

3. Information sharing.

4. Strengthening early warning systems.

5. Establishment of contingency funds in the District budget.

6. Regular simulation and drills.


Town clerks and Subcounty chiefs were advised to conduct regular meetings with DMC and political leaders to utilize the knowledge achieved from the Red cross society.