
PKF stakeholders meeting in Kayunga District.

A team from Precious Kids Foundation(PKF) held a project entry meeting with stakeholders at the District Headquarters.


PKF is a Community based organization(CBO) in kayunga which empowers orphans, widows, and single mothers in rural communities in Education, Poverty eradication, Community development, Health among others.


The Project goal is to promote access to post violence Services PPFP through strengthening existing structures and empowering youth champions.


Project objectives.


1. To facilitate peer to peer dialogues targeting in and out of school adolescents.


2. To engage LCs, religious leaders and cultural leaders in fighting GBV.


The project will be implemented in 8 parishes of Busaana Subcounty.


Why the intervention? 


I. Increase capacity of local leaders in ending SGBV.


2. Opportunity for young mother's to prevent unwanted pregnancies. 


3. Bridge a gap between health and non health structures. 


4. Equip Busaana HCIII with youth friendly services.


5. Access to post violent services. 


6. Engage schools on teenage pregnancies.


Expected outcomes


1. Reduced SGBV in Busaana Subcounty.

2. Increased reduction of pregnancies among adolescents.


The DCAO applauded PKF for this initiatives on behalf of the District and promised maximum cooperation when always needed since kayunga is well known for GBV .