MUWRP inception meeting at the District Headquarters.
Officials from Makerere University Water Reed Project (MUWRP)held an inception meeting on School Health Program with Inspectors of schools,
Health facility workers, political and technical staff at the District headquarters.
MUWRP is an NGO operating in the District which supports people living with HIV.
According to the National HIV and Aids strategic plan, Uganda has 1.6 million people living with HIV/AIDS and out of these 176,948 are children and
3% are adolescents.
MUWRP is introducing this health program in schools to diffuse stigma, discrimination and enhance adherence among pupils living with HIV in schools .
School administrators, Inspectors and facility health workers will take a lead in scheduling outreaches and conduct general health education sensitisation with the help of YAPS ( Youths living with HIV/Aids) with out singling out those with HIV.
Roles of YAPS include;
1. Conduct health education.
2. Provide peer to peer counseling.
3. Monitor school health clubs.
4. Demonstrate positive attitude and behavior
5. Tracing the lost to follow up AYPLHIV and bring them back to care.
6. Identity AYPLHIV due for viral load testing list and link them for viral blood bleeding.
Doctor Etima Monica a Senior Technical advisor said education can never be separated from health.
She advised the team to raise independent,self sustainable,risk possible citizens of Uganda.
She gave mental health tips which include.
1. Exercise for 30 minutes a day.
2. Avoid alcohol and smoking.
3. Feed on a balanced diet.