Kayunga District In conjunction With water for people (WFP) an implementing organization launched Phase one of the construction of 7 blocks of lined VIP Latrines in 4 schools and 3 health facilities in Kayunga District under the sanitation and hygiene fund (SHF). WFP iS a 3 year project in Uganda aimed at accelerating access to improved sanitation and hygiene services using the market based Aproach. The project strategic objectives include: 1. Scale up sanitation and hygiene services in houesholds. 2. Increase sustainable water, sanitation and menstrual Hygiene (MHH) in schools and- Health facilities. 3 Support innovation Towards safely managed sanitation, hygiene and MHH. The contractor is unified Engineering and Investment Ltd and the contract cost is UGX 434,485 371. The contract duration is 5 months begining March to August and 6 months for defects liability period. The project will be implemented in : Misanga CU PS and Bbaale HC IV in Bbaale SC. Nkokonjeru CU PS and wabwoko HC 111 in Kitimbwa SC. St Andrew Busungire PS in Galiraaya SC.Kawolokota PS and Lugasa HC III in Kayonza SC .Mr Mawejje Martin the project engineer Highlighted the key roles of District stakeholders including Conducting site inspections and monitoring construction progress. The ADHO/environmentaI health. Thanked the implementors of the project and pledged maximum cooperation to the team.