

Incoming DISO kayunga District.

The Regional Internal Security Organization (RISO) Captain Patrick Mutungi presided over the handover ceremony of the DISO Mr kildon Baraaza who was transferred to Ngora District and replaced by Okot Anthony Billy from Tororo. 


The Hand over ceremony was witnessed by the RDC, Deputy RDC, Chairperson LCV, Deputy CAO, Security team and technical staff.


The RDC applauded the DISO for his self less services offered to Kayunga District and wished him the best in his tour of duty to his new station.

Community Sensitisation Meeting at kyedikyo village.

Kayunga District joined the rest of the World to commemorate the Day of African Child under the Theme "Education for all Children." and Gender Based Violence (GBV) fight.


The Chief Guest was Hon Minister of State for Children and Youth Affairs who was represented by the RDC Kayunga. 


He congratulated the children upon this day and thanked the NRM Government for the good leadership of creating an enabling study environment for children through universal primary education and USE program.


Kayunga District Election Administrator giving key highlights about the Electoral Roadmap.

The District Election Administrator for Kayunga under Electoral Commission held a talk show at Sauti FM .


The show was intended to inform the Listeners about the electoral roadmap that is underway and to seek for cooperation with voters, stakeholders,local leaders among others. During the election roadmap.


Activities to be carried out during the roadmap.


1. Re organization of polling stations.

2. Merging of polling stations.

3. Splitting polling stations.

4. Renaming of polling stations.
