

Deputy RDC, DISO and technical staff pose for a group photo after the environmental management meeting.

The Office of the RDC held an environmental management meeting with members of the Natural resources department and Health inspectors at the Rdc's office.


Kayunga District has experienced serious encroachment on fragile eco systems such as forests, wetlands and river banks.


The meeting was aimed at ensuring proper management of these resources to mitigate the impact caused by encroachment.


Challenges included.


1. Political interference

2. Land tenure.

3. Lack of a district physical development plan.

Uganda Red Cross Society phase out meeting at the District headquarters.

Uganda Red cross society held an echo pilot programmatic partnership project phase out meeting at the District headquarters.


Kayunga District being among the disaster prone areas in the country, Red cross has been offering support in disaster hot spot areas.


The phase out meeting was intended to diseminate the project report, discuss project transition plan and engage with District heads on the project phase out and implications.


Project achievements include:


1. Oriented 16 volunteers.

Communication Needs Assessment meeting at the District headquarters.

An official from the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance (MoICT &NG) held a communication Needs Assessment meeting with 

technical staff at the District headquarters.


The MoICT &NG is developing a monitoring, evaluation and reporting(MER) strategy for Uganda broadcasting cooperation (UBC) to enhance government communication.


UBC will facilitate content development, broadcasting, promotion and preservation for ministries, agencies and local governments.


Why the MER strategy?

